"Colonia" is a 2015 thriller directed by Oscar-winner Florian Gallenberger, produced by Benjamin Herrmann, written by Torsten Wenzel and Gallenberger. The film stars Emma Watson, Daniel Brühl and Michael Nyqvist. The film is set against the backdrop of the Chilean military coup and the real "Colonia Dignidad", a notorious cult in the South of Chile, led by German lay preacher Paul Schäfer.
Movie Details -
Movie Name: Colonia (2016)
Release date:
13 September 2015 (TIFF)
18 February 2016 (Germany)
Directed by: Florian Gallenberger
Produced by: Benjamin Herrmann
Written by: Torsten Wenzel, Florian Gallenberger
Starring: Emma Watson, Daniel Brühl, Michael Nyqvist
Music by: André Dziezuk, Fernando Velázquez
Cinematography: Kolja Brandt
Edited by: Hansjörg Weißbrich
Production company: Majestic Filmproduktion, Iris Productions, Rat Pack Filmproduktion, Rezo Productions, Fred Films
Distributed by: Majestic Filmverleih (Germany), Rezo Films (France)
Running time: 110 minutes
Country: Germany, Luxembourg, France
Language: English
Official website: http://www.coloniathemovie.com/