Vehicle 19 (2013)

About Movie
Vehicle 19 is an upcoming 2013's action-crime thriller film, featuring Paul Walker (Fast & Furious film series fame), the film directed & written by Mukunda Michael Dewil. Paul Walker is also produced this film as exe producer.

The other film stars are including Naima McLean, Gys de Villiers, Leyla Haidarian, Tshepo Maseko, Andrian Mazive, Welile Nzuza, Mangaliso Ngema and Ernest Kubayi.

The film scheduled to be released theatrical in Japan on Feb 23th, 2013, in United Arab Emirates on Feb 28th, 2013, in Russia on April 11th, 2013.

Vehicle 19 Trailer (2013)

Vehicle 19 (2013)
Genre  Thriller
Release Date  2013 (USA)
Directed by  Mukunda Michael Dewil
Screenplay by  Mukunda Michael Dewil
Produced by  Ryan Haidarian, Peter Safran, Gary King (co-producer)
Executive producers  Eddie Mbalo, Paul Walker
   Paul Walker -
   Naima McLean - Rachel Shabangu
   Gys de Villiers - Detective Smith
   Leyla Haidarian - Angelica Moore
   Tshepo Maseko - Lieutenant
   Andrian Mazive - Journalist Benji
   Welile Nzuza - Mohawk
   Mangaliso Ngema - Judge
   Ernest Kubayi - Crackhead
   Elize Van Niekerk - Car Rental Receptionist
   Sizo Motsoko - Car Charger Kid 1
   Siviwe Mazibuko - Car Charger Kid 2
   Brandon Lindsay - Hostage Reporter
   Kate Tilley - Muscles' Girl
   Paul Pieterse - Bicyclist
   Ben Tjibe - Muscles
Music by  Daniel Matthee, James Matthes
Cinematography by  Miles Goodall
Studio  The Industrial Development Corp., Ks International/Skyline Motion Picture Fund, Picture Tree
Distributed by  Forefront Media Group, The Safran Company
Country  USA
Language  English

Vehicle 19 - Poster (2013)