About Movie
The Apparition is an upcoming usa Supernatural Thriller and Horrer movie directed and written by Todd Lincoln or produced by Alex Heineman, Todd Lincoln, Andrew Rona and Joel Silver under banner Warner Bros. Pictures (US). The film set released in cinemas on 24Aug, 2012. In "The Apparition" the young Couple Kelly(Ashley Greene) and Ben (Sebastian Stan) when discover event in home than they are haunted by a presence that was accidentally conjured during a university parapsychology experiment. In this case the expert in the supernatural Patrick(Tom Felton), help this couple but they may already be too late to save themselves form this terrifying force and death.
The Apparition (2012)
Genre Horror | Thriller
Release Date 24 August 2012 (USA)
Directed by Todd Lincoln
Produced by Alex Heineman, Todd Lincoln, Andrew Rona, Joel Silver
Written by Todd Lincoln
Cast Ashley Greene, Tom Felton, Julianna Guill, Sebastian Stan, Luke Pasqualino, Rick Gomez, Suzanne Ford, Marti Matulis, Anna Clark, Meena Serendib, Melissa Goldberg
Cinematography Daniel Pearl
Editing by Todd Lincoln
Studio Alcon Entertainment, Dark Castle Entertainment
Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures (US), Summit Entertainment (International), StudioCanal (UK)
Filming Locations Los Angeles, California, USA
Country USA
Language English
Budget $17 million
The Apparition (2012) | Trailer
The Apparition (2012) | Gallery
The Apparition (2012) |
The Apparition (2012) |